Tuesday, February 7, 2012

EonCoat - The Polyurea Alternative

EonCoat Application resized 600

Before we get started, maybe a definition is in order for those of you who don’t deal with polyurea coatings very often:

Polyurea – a type of elastomer that is derived from the reaction product of an isocyanate component and synthetic resin blend component through step-growth polymerization.

Well that clears things up! Just kidding, in layman’s terms polyurea coatings replace traditional paints, epoxies and fiberglass when extreme protection is needed.  In practice, polyurea coatings have demonstrated the following properties:

  • Abrasion resistance
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Waterproofing
  • Chemical resistance

As far as protective properties go, you’ll notice that these look very similar to EonCoat,- but that’s where the similarities stop.  EonCoat has the best corrosion resistance we have ever seen out of a coating (it beats polyurea coatings).  We recently pitted EonCoat against a handful of top corrosion coatings in the Seawater Corrosion Test Chamber (video) and EonCoat came out on top.

In addition to EonCoat beating polyurea coatings on corrosion resistance, the amount of prep work and equipment required to apply EonCoat make it far superior to polyuria. There are no heating hoses or recirculation tanks, no activators or retardants required and no dangerous solvents needed for cleanup.  If you ever have to remove the coating, EonCoat is non-toxic while polyurea coatings will create toxic fumes and dust particles during the removal process.  Additionally, EonCoat requires significantly less surface preparation, saving you time and money.

Below you’ll find a checklist comparison of EonCoat vs. Polyurea coatings:

describe the image

Which coating would you choose? Are you a paint contractor or organization that uses at least 500 gallons of paint or coating each year?  If so, sign up for your free sample of EonCoat.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/EoncoatBlog/~3/uZE23zjtJ-o/EonCoat-The-Polyurea-Alternative

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