Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BOTW Cyber Monday Coupon

Only a few hours left in the discount, but its a great deal. :)

From their email:

50% Off all BOTW Products on Cyber Monday!

Don't miss out on our biggest discount of the year!

Promo Code: STUFFED50
Submit Today

Get Listed at Half the Price!

A directory listing in Best of the Web is a vote of confidence for your business website. Only today can you receive all the benefits of a BOTW listing at half the regular cost. This offer is only good for Cyber Monday, so submit now to take advantage of these savings!
Submit to the Web Directory
Submit to the UK Directory
Submit to the Blog Directory

A 50% coupon gives you the lifetime listing for only $149, which is what the annually recurring cost normally by using the coupon today you pay for a 1-year listing & it stays permanent.



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