Thursday, January 19, 2012

EonCoat Wallet Poll

We're thinking about putting some EonCoat branded wallets into production and would love your opinion in terms of their design!   As you can tell with the blog, we obviously value the opinions of others and want to make sure that if we produce something our customers will be as excited about it as we are.  

Let us know what you think about the designs below by picking your three favorite wallet designs and thanks in advance for participating! Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments area as well! 

PS - If you'd like to receive an EonCoat wallet once they've been produced shoot us an email with your contact information. In the meantime, you can subscribe to the EonCoat newsletter for monthly updates on what's going on at EonCoat, or if your company uses more than 500 gallons of paint/coating per year, receive a free sample of Eoncoat.


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