Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Coat It! (Working) F.A.Q.

EonCoat FAQWe’ve been pretty busy the last few months here at EonCoat.  Between Billy’s road trip and online inquiries we have been burning the midnight oil filling orders and answering questions about EonCoat. 

This is, of course, a good thing, but we have seen some questions over and over again.  With that in mind, here’s the beginning of our frequently asked questions section (F.A.Q.).  Check back regularly as we’ll add questions that come up often (and don’t be afraid to ask a question in the comments!):

How is EonCoat different than other corrosion-resistant coatings?

EonCoat works better than other corrosion-resistant coatings on the market today because it is different than these other coatings at a molecular level.  Most anti-corrosion coatings are paints that protect the desired area by completely sealing it off. 

There are at least two problems with this approach.  Over time the carbon in the paint breaks down causing the coating to fail.  Also, since normal corrosion coatings sit on top of the substrate, a spot failure can cause the entire substrate to corrode.  EonCoat solves both of these problems by being inorganic (no carbon to break down) and by alloying itself to the substrate (i.e.: EonCoat actually bonds covalently with the substrate) preventing a spot failure from threatening the entire substrate.

How can I become a certified EonCoat applicator?

Becoming a certified EonCoat contractor requires some special training and equipment but the first step is to let us know you’d like to be involved!  Send an email to requesting more information and we’ll let you know all of the details.  EonCoat is applied using 2K (plural) spray equipment.

How does EonCoat save me money if it’s more expensive per gallon than other protective coatings?

EonCoat will save you money in at least two ways.  First, its service life is about twice that of comparable anti-corrosion coatings.  EonCoat will last up to 20 years, while most other coatings on the market will only last up to 10 years.  The biggest cost savings however is in labor costs.  Since no primer and only one coat of EonCoat is required in the vast majority of applications, your company saves time and money on the labor side.  Click through for a full market comparison of total lifetime costs.

Does your “no VOCs or HAPs” claim extend to tinted versions of EonCoat?

We are proud to report that both the base coating and our tinted version of EonCoat are 100% VOCs and HAPs free.  Don’t be fooled by most “low VOC” claims however, they often don’t account for VOCs in their tints.

Does EonCoat work on _________________ (insert random surface here)?

It’s often very difficult to answer the question above without specific testing.  Usually our answer to an untested substrate is that while it will likely work effectively, we’re still testing so please let us know what you would like us to test.  Here are the markets we know EonCoat works extremely well with:

  • Marine industry – protects extremely well against saltwater environments
  • Infrastructure – slows corrosion lowering the cost of maintenance and extending its life
  • Industrial plants – protects machinery, piping, etc. against corrosion and other chemical assaults
  • Heavy equipment – protects your capital investments against corrosion and helps prevent flame spread in the event of a fire
  • Consumer goods – ideal for manufacturing goods that are more durable against the elements
  • Commercial buildings – an excellent choice for interiors and exteriors to extend a building’s life and protect against the chance of a building fire

What about where EonCoat doesn’t work?  Since EonCoat bonds chemically with its substrate it is not ideal for all surfaces.  For example, EonCoat does not work well on glass, the coating does not set properly.

Does your surface not fit into one of the above categories?  If you’d like to try EonCoat on a new substrate, we’ll work to get you a sample of that substrate covered in EonCoat


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