Monday, May 28, 2012

Which Source Do You Trust Most?

Consumer Search Insights.

Which do you trust most as a source of advice on important issues?

People tend to trust friends & family and the mainstream media far more than they trust websites & search engines.

Vote All�(1204)�
friends & family 37.1%�(+3.0 / -2.9)
newspapers 32.5%�(+3.0 / -2.8)
search engines 19.3%�(+2.6 / -2.4)
social media websites 6.7%�(+2.0 / -1.6)
weblogs 4.4%�(+1.9 / -1.3)

Relative to one another, men tend to trust newspapers, search engines & weblogs more; whereas women tend to trust friends & family and social media websites more.

Vote Men�(643)� Women�(561)�
friends & family 34.7%�(+4.0 / -3.8) 39.4%�(+4.6 / -4.4)
newspapers 34.1%�(+4.0 / -3.8) 31.0%�(+4.4 / -4.1)
search engines 20.1%�(+3.5 / -3.1) 18.6%�(+3.9 / -3.4)
social media websites 5.7%�(+2.5 / -1.8) 7.6%�(+3.3 / -2.3)
weblogs 5.5%�(+2.5 / -1.8) 3.4%�(+3.3 / -1.7)

The youngest age group tends to trust social media a bit more & newspapers a bit less than other age groups do. Outside of that, it is somewhat hard to see other age-based patterns.

Vote 18-24 year-olds�(278)� 25-34 year-olds�(307)� 35-44 year-olds�(158)� 45-54 year-olds�(191)� 55-64 year-olds�(166)� 65+ year-olds�(104)�
friends & family 39.8%�(+5.8 / -5.5) 34.2%�(+5.8 / -5.4) 38.9%�(+7.8 / -7.2) 34.0%�(+6.9 / -6.3) 36.3%�(+7.6 / -6.9) 37.2%�(+9.8 / -8.8)
newspapers 26.2%�(+5.5 / -4.8) 35.8%�(+5.9 / -5.5) 33.9%�(+7.7 / -6.9) 31.7%�(+6.8 / -6.1) 33.1%�(+7.6 / -6.8) 34.6%�(+10.0 / -8.8)
search engines 19.7%�(+5.1 / -4.2) 16.8%�(+4.9 / -4.0) 17.7%�(+6.7 / -5.2) 23.5%�(+6.5 / -5.5) 21.8%�(+7.1 / -5.7) 17.7%�(+8.5 / -6.2)
social media websites 11.0%�(+4.2 / -3.1) 6.8%�(+3.6 / -2.4) 3.6%�(+5.1 / -2.1) 7.4%�(+4.6 / -2.9) 4.3%�(+4.5 / -2.3) 6.6%�(+8.0 / -3.8)
weblogs 3.3%�(+2.8 / -1.5) 6.4%�(+3.5 / -2.3) 6.0%�(+5.1 / -2.9) 3.4%�(+4.1 / -1.9) 4.4%�(+5.3 / -2.5) 3.9%�(+7.4 / -2.6)

Here is data by geographic region.

Vote The US Midwest�(252)� The US Northeast�(311)� The US South�(372)� The US West�(269)�
friends & family 40.2%�(+6.9 / -6.6) 39.0%�(+6.2 / -5.9) 34.9%�(+5.3 / -5.0) 36.1%�(+6.2 / -5.8)
newspapers 30.4%�(+6.8 / -6.1) 36.0%�(+6.1 / -5.7) 33.7%�(+5.2 / -4.9) 29.9%�(+6.1 / -5.5)
search engines 21.5%�(+6.4 / -5.3) 15.7%�(+5.2 / -4.1) 18.7%�(+4.6 / -3.9) 21.2%�(+5.5 / -4.6)
social media websites 6.7%�(+5.1 / -3.0) 5.2%�(+4.3 / -2.4) 6.6%�(+3.8 / -2.5) 7.9%�(+4.5 / -3.0)
weblogs 1.3%�(+9.5 / -1.1) 4.1%�(+4.3 / -2.1) 6.2%�(+3.6 / -2.3) 4.8%�(+4.3 / -2.3)

Rural people tend to trust friends & family more, while urban people tend to trust newspapers more.

Vote Urban areas�(602)� Rural areas�(91)� Suburban areas�(480)�
friends & family 30.9%�(+4.4 / -4.0) 45.8%�(+11.3 / -10.9) 38.7%�(+4.9 / -4.7)
newspapers 38.5%�(+4.7 / -4.5) 25.4%�(+11.3 / -8.7) 30.0%�(+4.5 / -4.2)
search engines 18.4%�(+4.2 / -3.6) 20.2%�(+10.4 / -7.5) 20.2%�(+4.3 / -3.7)
social media websites 8.5%�(+4.1 / -2.8) 2.3%�(+14.6 / -2.1) 6.2%�(+4.3 / -2.6)
weblogs 3.7%�(+4.2 / -2.0) 6.3%�(+11.2 / -4.2) 4.8%�(+4.3 / -2.3)

The richer you are, the less you generally trust friends & family. The rich also trust newspapers & blogs more (though the blog data point had a small sample size).

Vote People earning $0-24K�(138)� People earning $25-49K�(655)� People earning $50-74K�(307)� People earning $75-99K�(81)� People earning $100-149K�(25)�
friends & family 40.6%�(+8.7 / -8.2) 38.2%�(+4.1 / -4.0) 33.9%�(+6.3 / -5.8) 36.6%�(+11.1 / -9.8) 14.4%�(+19.1 / -9.1)
newspapers 25.6%�(+9.1 / -7.4) 30.6%�(+4.0 / -3.7) 37.0%�(+6.4 / -6.0) 42.2%�(+10.6 / -10.0) 42.2%�(+20.3 / -18.0)
search engines 22.8%�(+9.1 / -7.1) 20.6%�(+3.7 / -3.3) 17.4%�(+5.7 / -4.5) 13.4%�(+10.9 / -6.4) 22.0%�(+21.5 / -12.7)
social media websites 7.2%�(+9.2 / -4.2) 7.0%�(+3.2 / -2.3) 5.4%�(+5.6 / -2.8) 5.2%�(+13.2 / -3.9) 5.8%�(+23.7 / -4.9)
weblogs 3.8%�(+11.0 / -2.9) 3.6%�(+3.5 / -1.8) 6.3%�(+5.4 / -3.0) 2.6%�(+18.2 / -2.3) 15.6%�(+21.7 / -10.2)


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